Abstract: Since November 16, 2016 Google Maps may stop working in SmartPTT Dispatcher Consoles.
System Platforms Affected: SmartPTT Basic 9.0 and all earlier versions, SmartPTT Enterprise 9.0 and all earlier versions, SmartPTT PLUS 9.0 and all earlier versions
User Symptom: Google Map is not displayed properly on SmartPTT Dispatcher Console and so subscribers' icons are displayed against a grey background. Map cannot be zoomed or panned. The rest of SmartPTT functionality is not affected.
Engineering Details: In November 2016 (also in February 2015 and February 2016), Google slightly changed Google Maps API due to the unknown reason. We have noted that on some PCs it may lead to issues with Google Maps in SmartPTT.
- Download .zip file which contains two files MapViewer.dll and MapViewer.pdb. Unzip the archive.
- For SmartPTT Basic, Enterprise and PLUS 9.1 use the following link: Google_Map_91.zip
- For SmartPTT Basic, Enterprise and PLUS 9.0 use the following link: Google_Map_90.zip
- For SmartPTT Basic, Enterprise and PLUS 8.8 use the following link: Google_Map_88.zip
- For SmartPTT Basic, Enterprise and PLUS 8.7 use the following link: Google_Map_87.zip
- For SmartPTT Basic, Enterprise and PLUS 8.6 use the following link: Google_Map_86.zip
- For SmartPTT Basic and Enterprise 8.5 use the following link: Google_Map_85.zip
- For SmartPTT Basic and Enterprise 8.4 use the following link: Google_Map_84.zip
- For SmartPTT Basic and Enterprise 8.0 use the following link: Google_Map_80.zip
- If you are using earlier SmartPTT versions, please update SmartPTT software up to one of the listed versions. If it's not possible, please contact SmartPTT Support Team.
- Close SmartPTT Dispatcher application.
- Navigate to folder where SmartPTT Dispatcher application was installed (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartPTT\Client or C:\Program Files\SmartPTT\Client) and make a backup copy of current files MapViewer.dll and MapViewer.pdb.
- Insert new versions of the files MapViewer.dll and MapViewer.pdb from downloaded archive into the same folder, replacing the previous versions of the files.
- Start Dispatcher Console. Google map should be displayed. Please pan and zoom map according to your requirements.
There are some rare cases when after files were updated, Google Maps are still not displayed properly in SmartPTT Dispatcher Console. In this case, make sure that you can use zoom (zoom bar should be available at the left side of the map window). If zoom bar is available, but background is still grey, please pan the map in the panel to make the required area of the map visible. Alternatively you can use "Find on Map" function to center any of the subscribers on the map.