Job Tickets
SmartPTT allows MOTOTRBO SL radio subscribers to use the MOTOTRBO Job Ticketing feature. Job Ticketing is a menu option on MOTOTRBO two-way SL radios that allows customers to manage the flow of tasks by providing a menu of predefined responses.
When the radio subscriber receives the job ticket message, it is displayed in the Job Ticket menu. The user can respond to the Job Ticket using options of the menu (e.g. ‘Pending’). When status of the task is changed, the user can open this task again and select new option (e.g. ‘Complete’).
Job statuses are customizable and can be adapted for any customers’ needs.
SmartPTT Dispatcher can create and manage job tickets. When users change statuses, SmartPTT records time of the response and status of the task.
Note. Job Ticketing Features available on SL4000 radios and later versions. When using Job ticketing feature with DP 3000 and DP 4000 series, it is displayed in Text Message folder and has following format: <JTS> job ticket name and description. To allow Dispatcher process answer of such subscriber as Job Ticket, reply to this text message by sending message containing status information.
How to configure and use Job tickets
To start using Job tickets, configure statuses in radiostation codeplug and in SmartPTT Dispatcher.
To create job ticket statuses, expand the Settings menu in the Main Menu bar of the SmartPTT Dispatcher window and click Job Ticket Statuses:
At that, the following window opens:
Enable Automatic Numbering – when this option is enabled, a unique number is assigned to each new job ticket. It is necessary to distinguish job tickets with same names.
Send Message When Not Completed Job Ticket Was Deleted – when this option is enabled, a radio subscriber receives a message, if an incomplete job ticket was canceled.
Default status – the job ticket status which is displayed when the operator creates a new job ticket. The status does not change, until the radio subscriber modifies it. You do not need to set this status in the MOTOTRBO CPS settings. It is used only in SmartPTT Dispatcher, so you can add any value you like.
In the Color field select the color for the default status.
To add a job ticket status, click the Add button:
Name – name of the status.
Color – color of the status, which will be used in the job ticket table.
Completion status – it is the final status of a job ticket. If a job ticket has such a status and if Remove job ticket from the list within n seconds after completion is enabled, the job ticket will be hidden from the list.
Note:You can also select the Completion status later in the Job Tickets configuration window.
Sound – this setting enables the sound signal which will notify the operator that a job ticket changed its status to this one.
Statuses configured in SmartPTT Dispatcher and in codeplug (MOTOTRBO CPS) of the radio should match!
Index – number (on radio keypad) which you can press to send predefined status to Dispatcher (for instance, when subscriber gets job ticket, by pressing 2 radio subscriber will set status of job ticket to Dispatcher). You can add not more that 12 statuses. Only statuses under numbers 1-9 can answered by pressing number on keypad. Other statuses 10-12 should be selected manually and sent to Dispatcher.
Action/Response – specifies a text for an action or a response of a job ticket, such as In progress or Canceled. When subscriber gets job ticket, he will be able to choose one of Response to send to Dispatcher. Specified value will be displayed on Dispatcher console as assigned status.
Status Folder - Configures a name for the status folder. All statuses with the corresponding actions to this folder will be kept in this folder. This folder is used for radio subscriber only.
If the statuses of SmartPTT Dispatcher does not correspond to statuses in MOTOTRBO CPS, all settings (color, sound signal and status completion) won't be applied.
The Job Tickets panel allows creating special assignments for individual radio subscribers or groups of subscribers and tracking their performance.
Note: This functionality is only supported by MOTOTRBO SL Series portable radios. When a job ticket is sent to the radio, which does not support this functionality, it comes as a message, e.g.: <JTS> Job Ticket №1 Create weekly report.
To create a job ticket, expand the View menu in the Main Menu bar of the SmartPTT Dispatcher window and click Job Tickets:
The Job Tickets panel can be divided into three parts:
1. Filters
2. Job Ticket List
3. Status Change Log
The filters arrange the list of job tickets to the user's taste. You can hide job tickets from the job list after the particular status is achieved. To do that, select Remove job ticket from the list within and specify time period in the seconds after completion field. The status is set in the job ticket status settings.
The job list is a section to create, display and delete (or cancel) job tickets.
To create a job ticket, click the Add button:
Name – name of the job ticket. Required field.
Description – description of the job ticket. Also required field.
Assigned – job tickets can be assigned to an individual radio subscriber or to a group of subscribers. To do this, simply drag subscribers or group in this field.
After creation, the job ticket will be displayed in the job ticket list with the default status value. When the radio subscriber changes the job ticket status, the status in the job ticket list will be changed accordingly. If the job ticket is assigned to a group, then the job ticket table will contain the name of the radio subscriber, who changed the job ticket status.
Note: You can also assign job tickets to offline subscribers (if they become online on the same channel as displayed in Subscriber Call Window. If there is no channel associated with the subscriber, then you won’t be able to send Job Ticket to the subscriber). As soon as the subscribers become online, they will get the job tickets.
To see the history of changes for job ticket statuses, click the left mouse button on the job ticket status. At that, the Status Change Log table will display the information about status updates.
To cancel the job ticket and delete it from the job ticket list, click the Delete button. At that, the radio subscriber, to whom the job ticket was assigned, will receive a text message that the job ticket was canceled (only if Send Message When Not Completed Job Ticket Was Deleted is checked in Job Ticket Statuses).
If the job ticket has not been delivered (see Status Delivery) for some reason or if you want to resend an existing job ticket to the radio subscriber or a group of subscribers, click the Retry button. In this case, the job ticket will change its status to the default value.
Information about job ticket statuses can be obtained even for the period, when the dispatcher console was turned off. To do this, click the Get Status Update button to load data from the Radioserver database.