GPS Coordinates are not displayed on the map


First of all few words about Location Service

Location service provides coordinates of radio subscribers with a GPS receiver so you can determine their current location.



Q: Radio icons are not shown on the map. Dispatcher cannot get any Locations from subscriber radio.



 1. Built-in GPS Module 

Subscriber radios must have built-in GPS module (models DP/DM 3401, DP/DM 3601, DM 4401, DP/DM 4601, DP 4801). 

Note. If Control Station Configuration is used, then Control Station can be with no GPS module.


2.  Firmware Version

All MOTOTRBO radios and repeaters working in the radio system must use the same firmware version. 
Make sure that all repeaters and radios use the required firmware version according to SmartPTT System Requirements of installed SmartPTT version.





3. GPS activation for subscriber radio

Enable GNSS functionality in the General Settings of the subscriber radio in MOTOTRBO CPS.
Select GPS/GLONASS/QZSS in GNSS Settings.



4. GPS Available

On the screen of subscriber radio you should see full GPS icon which means that radio is recieving data from satellite.



5. Location Service

Make sure that Location Service is active in SmartPTT Radioserver configurator.




6. Location Service (for control stations configuration only)

Select  Location Service (LIP) and Location Service (LRRP) in SmartPTT Radioserver Configurator for each added Control Station. 



7. Registration Service

Make sure that Radio is successfully registered (is shown in online list of subscribers) in SmartPTT Dispatcher.

ARS or Registration Service provides information of the radio subscribers availability in the radio network. 


If you have some subscriber radios which are turned on, but they are not shown in online list of subscribers in SmartPTT Dispatcher, then please check ARS settings.


 8. ARS Radio ID (for control stations configuration only)
Check subscriber radio settings in MOTOTRBO CPS. The ARS Radio ID of the subscriber radio (Network section) and the Radio ID of the Control Station (General Settings section) must be the same.

Note. All radio IDs (General Settings section) in one radio network should be different.


9. ARS Radio ID (for IP Site Connect network configuration only)

Check radio settings in MOTOTRBO CPS. The ARS Radio ID and ID of Slot 1 and Slot 2 in SmartPTT Radioserver Configurator in the IP Site Connect system section must be the same. 



10. ARS on System Change

Enable ARS in MOTOTRBO CPS in the channel settings of the radio. Select either On System Change or On System/Site Change.



11. Forward to PC 

(for control stations configuration only)

For Control Station (for control stations configuration only) codeplug in the field Forward to PC select Via USB in the Network settings in MOTOTRBO CPS.



(for all configurations)

For all subscriber radios in the field Forward to PC select Disabled.


12. TCP/IP v4 (for control stations configuration only)

In the network connection properties of MOTOTRBO, which is created automatically at connecting the control stations to the computer via USB, disable all the interfaces except for TCP/IP v4.



13. Windows Firewall
Disable Windows Firewall and add Inbound and Outgoing Rules for Client.exeRadioservice.exeRSConfigurator.exe.


14. Routing table (for control stations configuration only)

(For SmartPTT v7.2.0 and older) or (If several network interfaces are used)

Make sure that routing is configured for the control stations. If it is not added in the dynamic routing table, add the following static route: 
route -p add mask, where is the IP address of the control station.  


15. Passive ARS (for IP Site Connect network configuration only)

Make sure that Passive ARS is off in SmartPTT Radioserver Configurator.



16. Profiles.

If profile is used for Operator, make sure that in selected profile Location Service is enabled.

Note. Profile can be applied both to any Operator profile and Administrator profile.




17. Wide Area Channel

If location information is send on the same channel on which GPS requests are sent, then make sure that this Slot is Wide Area Channel (WAC).




If GPS Revert is used, then this revert channel can be either LAC (Local Area Channel) or WAC. 


18. Location Service Settings in SmartPTT Radioserver Configurator

Check the settings of the Location Service in SmartPTT Radioserver Configurator.

If you don't have any Subscriber Groups added in Radioserver Configurator, then GPS is available for all radios.

If you have Subscriber Groups added in Radioserver Configurator and Allow Dispatcher to Amend Location Update Time Interval is ticked, then Dispatcher will be able to change subscriber location update time interval. And Dispatcher will be able to get location information even if Groups are unselected.






If you have Subscriber Groups added in Radioserver Configuratorand Allow Dispatcher to Amend Location Update Time Interval is not ticked, then to get GPS coordinates from the specific Group of Subscribers, specify time interval to request location information and select ON to be able to get GPS from this group of radios.  If Group is not ticked, then Dispatcher won't be able to get information about location of the subscribers included to this Group


19. Show on Map

Make sure that on Dispatcher Console in Properties Window of Subscriber GPS Support  and Show on Map are ticked and Interval is specified (Interval should be bigger than Min. SU Location Update Interval, sec specified in Radioserver Configurator ).




20. Enhanced GPS Window Size (Repeater configuration only)

If Enhanced GPS is used, make sure that Window Size in MOTOTRBO CPS codeplugs of repeaters and subscriber radios are set to 8








SmartPTT are using the following parameters in LRRP request:
RequestId, TimeStamp, Latitude, Longitude, Accuracy, Speed(Velocity)

Real experiments proves that window size should be 7, it does not work with less than 7.
We recommend Window Size = 8 because in case privacy is used in the radio system, you need to increase window size up to 8. So Window Size = 8 will work for any radio sysem. 


21. Enhanced GPS Update Interval (Repeater configuration only)

Location Update Intervals can be 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 4 minutes or 8 minute. Specify one of the listed location update intervals in Subscriber Properties Window.



22.  Accuracy Radius (starting from version SmartPTT 8.0)

If GPS information is recieved by Radioserver but Subcriber icon is not displayed on the map, make sure that recieved locations has less inaccuracy than value specified in Accuracy Radius (m) field.  



23. Time Zone

Make sure Time Zone in Operating System is selected correctly for both Dispatcher and Radioserver. 


Radio sends locations even Show on Map is disabled.

1. ARS ID (in SmartPTT versions 7.4. and lower)

  It is necessary that Start (Selected Show on Map) and Stop (Unselected Show on Map) commands were sent from the same ARS ID.

So if you need to change ID of Slot or Control Station ID in Radioserver Configurator, then first send stop (Unselected Show on Map), then change ARS ID in Configurator and then select Show on Map again.



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