MP3 files won’t play / Records are not played


Abstract: MP3 files can’t be played. This refers to playing audio records in SmartPTT Dispatcher, or voice notifications in radios.

System Platforms Affected: SmartPTT Basic 8.6, SmartPTT Enterprise 8.6, SmartPTT PLUS 8.6,   and SmartPTT PLUS 8.7.19022.

User Symptoms:

  1. Audio records in MP3 format stored in the folders below can’t be played:
  • SmartPTT Radioserver Configurator > Add-on Modules > Event Log > Settings > Voice Logging > Folder for Audio Files Recording
  • SmartPTT Dispatcher > Settings > Records > Voice Logging Folder
  1. Voice notifications in MP3 format won’t play in subscribers’ radios.

Engineering Details: The issue is caused by the absence of a Microsoft library in some PCs.


  1. Download additional Microsoft library using this link.
  2. Select exe. This is true for all versions of Windows OS, even for a 64-bit version.
  3. Install exe on the PC where SmartPTT Radioserver and SmartPTT Dispatcher are running. If the applications are running on different PCs, install vcredist_x86.exe on both PCs.
  4. Open SmartPTT Dispatcher, if it’s not opened yet, and play one of the audio files. If it does not play, contact SmartPTT Support Team.
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