Sometimes it is not possible to understand what is happening within the software without additional diagnostics.
NLog is a free logging framework for .NET and is used for debugging to observe the behavior of an internal software modules without interfering with their work.
When to get
NLog logging is required to carry out analysis upon specific event or system behavior.
Please do not start NLOG collection on your own, until asked to by SmartPTT technical support team or developers.
Where to get
Find attached NLog.config files to this article or use corresponding download links below.
Radioserver NLog – download link. [for collection from radioserver software]
Dispatcher NLog – download link. [for collection from dispatcher software]
How to use
1. Download one of the NLog.config files.
2. Rename the file to "NLog.config".
3. Place NLog.config under the Server or Client folder accordingly:
For 32-bit application:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartPTT\Server
C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartPTT\Client
For 64-bit application:
C:\Program Files\SmartPTT\Server
C:\Program Files\SmartPTT\Client
Technical support specialist will clarify which is required.
4. Restart the Radioserver Service/Dispatch client.
The required logs can be found under C:\logs\folder.
Check that the .txt file with the correct timestamp has created.
5. Wait until system faces event/behavior that require investigation and report approximate time of an incident.
6. Rename NLog.config to NLog1.config to disable NLOG collection.
Important: It is essential to stop the capture as soon as possible after the incident, because the NLOG will continuously utilize Hard Disk space until stopped. The rate depends on the amount of events in radionetwork.
7. Send collected logs and approximate time of an incident to the ticket, where they were requested.