Redundant Radioserver
General Information
SmartPTT supports operation with the primary and redundant radioservers. The primary radioserver can have only one redundant radioserver.
Redundant radioserver requires the corresponding Redundant Radioserver license.
The redundant radioserver is activated in case of primary radioserver breakdown.
When the primary radioserver is active, the redundant radioserver is in stand-by mode.
In this mode, the redundant radioserver receives all the events in the radio system but does not send any information to the radio network.
In case of primary radioserver breakdown, redundant radioserver takes the role of the primary radioserver.
As soon as the connection to the primary radioserver is restored, redundant radioserver takes the role of the redundant radioserver.
In our example, we use the following IP addresses of radioservers:
SmartPTT Primary Radioserver IP address:
SmartPTT Redundant Radioserver IP address:
Configuring redundant radioserver
License: Install the license with enabled Redundant Radioserver (Radioserver > Settings > Licenses).
SmartPTT Redundant radioserver also requires HID (Hardware ID) in the license.
To make Radioserver redundant, choose Server role in Radioserver.
In Settings > Radioserver select Server Role > Redundant.
Redundant Radioserver settings: In the left pane of the Settings tab, click Redundant Radio Server.
In the Redundancy area, perform the following actions:
Primary Radioserver IP Address:
In the Primary Server (IP Address:WCF Port) field, type the primary SmartPTT Radioserver IP address and port.
Connection timeout:
You can configure the inactivity time of the main radioserver after which switching to the redundant one takes place (Redundant Radioserver > Connection timeout, s).
In the Connection timeout, s field, type time interval after which the redundant SmartPTT Radioserver becomes active.
The minimum value is 20 s.
The redundant radioserver is not intended to be used permanently. If the redundant radioserver cannot synchronize with the primary one for 31 days, it is deactivated.
Synchronization with primary radioserver:
Settings of the redundant radioserver can be configured manually or synchronized automatically with the primary radioserver.
To copy primary SmartPTT Radioserver settings to the redundant one, click Copy Settings.
Note. In this step, you can choose if you want to customize redundant radioserver settings manually or automatically with the correspondence table configured.
To activate the automatic synchronization of the redundant SmartPTT Radioserver with the primary one after the primary SmartPTT Radioserver restart, select the Synchronize with primary radio server check box.
If Synchronization with primary radioserver is enabled, the redundant server settings are synchronized with the primary server in the continuous one-way direction copy mode.
The primary server operates in normal mode, the backup server constantly synchronizes its settings with the settings of the primary one.
Before enabling synchronization, ensure all parameters of the primary radioserver are saved, and the radioserver is running and operating correctly. If the parameters were changed, save the changes and restart the primary radioserver to apply the changes to the redundant radioserver.
Correspondence table:
For the proper operation of the redundant radioserver, certain values and parameters of primary and redundant radioservers must not be the same. For this, new parameter values must be specified in the correspondence table.
In general, once the Redundant server is connected to the Primary server, and the settings are Copied from Primary Server, by pressing Add button you will be able to see the Parameters that can be changed.
For example, Peer ID that was copied from Primary Server is 100, but on the Redundant Server it needs to be unique, so it should be replaced with the Peer ID = 101. At that point, under Parameter you select Peer ID, and under the Value you can put in the Value, different from the one that is configured on the Primary Server.
The Parameters required to be changed are Peer IDs and IP Interfaces.
Some changes are not required but can be optional, e.g. Database Name.
Correspondence table for the redundant radioserver.
In Radioserver Configurator > Settings > Redundant Radio Server make sure that the Synchronize with primary radio server check box is selected in the Redundancy area.
To configure the Correspondence table, click Add button.
In the Correspondence table, set or edit the existing values or parameters for replacement.
1 - Select settings from the tree that should be replaced
2 - From the drop-down list, select parameter to override
3 - Specify a new value
4 - Click Add to add a new parameter value to the Correspondence table
Repeater 1- 4 for all parameters that are required to be replaced.
5 - Click Finish, when the Correspondence table is ready.
When the Correspondence table is configured, click Save Configuration, and to apply changes, at the bottom of the SmartPTT Radioserver Configurator window, click Restart.
To edit a value in the Value/Parameter or Redundant Radio Server Value columns, double-click the desired entry in the Correspondence table, and then type a new value
SmartPTT Dispatcher Configuration
SmartPTT Dispatcher supports operation with redundant radioservers.
After configuring redundant and primary radioservers, add both primary and redundant radioservers to SmartPTT Dispatcher (Settings > Radioservers).
When a redundant radioserver is added, it is displayed in the Radio Fleet panel as active with no objects belonging to it.
When the connection to a primary server is lost, all objects from the primary radioserver appear under the redundant one.
As soon as the connection to the primary radioserver is restored, Dispatcher will display all active radio networks under the primary radioserver.