About customer service


If you have any problems or questions, please contact technical support services. We make our mission to solve problems and answer questions quickly and accurately. Every request is very important for us. 

In order to your request be processed more effectively, we suggest you at first taking a look at answers to the frequently asked questions (Top Support Answers). It happens often that a question you want to ask has already been discussed. 

In the event of the discovery of critical error we use our best efforts to the fastest error correction for the last package accompanying current version of localized product. 

If you have not decided yet to become the owner of SmartPTT software, as would-be customer you can address our technical support service. Certainly in such a case you will get minimum information, but amply in order for a decision to be made on buying software. 

Customers, who bought SmartPTT software, are given an extended technical support for the License Agreement validity period. 

Contractual technical support is given on terms of formation corresponding particular contract. 

List of baseline services, provided to SmartPTT software customers by technical support services:
- Access to SmartPTT current version updates;
- Consulting on questions of primary installation and software activation;
- Consulting on detected error in product functionality, including SmartPTT software installation;
- Supplying information about update versions and corrections of SmartPTT software;
- We will reply to your inquiry within 3 hours.

You can get technical assistance:
- over the email;
- as Skype and phone consultations;
- as remote support via TeamViewer.

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    Jack Huang

    Our customers have encountered some problems. When pressing PTT to transmit in standby, it will take more than 10 seconds to appear. But if there are calls from other radio calling in this channel, you can directly reply to the transmission.


    Edited by Jack Huang
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