How can I change Control Station Channel?



Is it possible to change Control Station Channel using SmartPTT Dispatcher?


Yes, it's possible to change Control Station Channel from Dispatcher Console.
There are two ways how you can do it:

1.Changing channel from SmartPTT Dispatcher Console

To do that, you need to add all necessary channels to SmartPTT Radioserver Configurator and specify the same channel IDs in SmartPTT Configurator as in Control Station codeplug (in CPS):



After you add all necessary IDs and names, click Save button _______.png and then Restart Radioserver _______1.png.


Then on Dispatcher Console you will see current channel of the Control Station.



To change Control Station Channel from Dispatcher Console, right-click on Control station icon and expand channel menu. Select necessary channel.





2.Channel Selector on Custom Console

There is also new feature which was implemented in SmartPTT 8.1: Channel Selector on Custom Console.
You need to create Custom Console and add all necessary channel selectors.




When you open created Console, you will be able to change channel by one click. Current channel is highlighted with orange color.



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