How to import Telephone Subscribers


There is no special feature in the SmartPTT Dispatcher to import a list of Telephone subscribers.
However, there is an opportunity to do it. You will need Microsoft Excel and SQL Management Studio software.

First of all, using Microsoft Excel software create a new Workbook and fill it like on the figure below...

You should have the same columns, but, of course, you should fill your data in it (There is a Excel file template in the attachment).
Columns settings:

Id - must be in order started from the 1;

Name - personal data;

Auto - must be set as 1;

- Num - it is a phone number (prefix number) of exact subscriber. Also a personal data;
- It's easy to set SipAddressIn and SipAddressOut using Excel features. Create few columns near the main table like it is created on the picture above. You should set sip:, @, your gateway IP and :your port in the different columns. Then use =CONCATENATE() operation to fill SipAddressIn and SipAddressOut columns like in a picture. When you fill one cell, you can drag and pull down it to fill other automatically. Ensure that parameters in the CONCATENATE operation are set right - Additional columns must be fixed!!! Use F4 button to fix it.
Avatar and sip_account_id fields should be set as NULL;
- use_sip_account 
should be set as zero (0);

- incoming_sound could be empty;

When you finish filling the table, you will need to copy only useful columns (without created for automatic filling columns).

Create a new Excel Workbook and paste copied data in it. NOTE: paste your data by right mouse click and select Paste Values. Then save your Excel Workbook.


After the Workbook saving, you need to open SQL Management Studio. When the connection established, find the Database you are using, then click on it by the mouse right button, select Tasks and click Import Data tool.

Next you need to choose Data Source. It should be Microsoft Excel type. And using Browse... select your Excel file.

Ensure that First row has column names checkbox is set as active. Press Next button and select Destination. SQL Server Native Client 10.0 is usually used by default. Ensure that right Database is selected.

Press Next button. Ensure that Copy data from one or more tables or views feature is selected.

Press Next button. In the appeared window choose Sheet1$ as a Source (in the Excel file your data should be in the Sheet1$) and choose [dbo].[ATSAbonents] as a Destination. Then press Edit Mappings button.

Ensure that all things are set as on the picture below:
in the Destination column Id, Avatar, sip_account_id and incoming_sound fields must be set as ignore.

When finished, press OK button and Next button in the Source Selection window. In the next window you will see some Warning, but you can ignore it, continue to press Next button. 

In the next window Run immediately option should be set as active. Press Finish button.
In the appeared window you should see the successful result of import.

This way, you can close the window and ensure that in the SmartPTT Dispatcher you have a list of added subscribers.
In case you face a failure of the import, please, contact the SmartPTT Support Team.

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