When installing SmartPTT on a PC for the first time, the SQL server and the dispatcher's database should be added automatically.
If you already have an SQL server installed on your computer, SmartPTT will not be able to connect to the existing server when you first start it.
Typically SQL Server is installed as part of a Motorola RM Server installation.
How to fix Database issue.
1. Open windows services (Task manager - Services - Open services).
2. Find the line SQLServer.
3. Copy or type the SQLServer name (located in parentheses).
4. Insert SQLServer name and path. E.g. localhost\MOTORMSVR2
5. Click the "Establish connection" and "Create database" button when the connection is established.
6. Click Finish to continue.
If you have other questions submit a request to SmartPTT Technical Support Center.